At first, to convert 781 minutes to hours and minutes, we have to convert 781 minutes into hours.
To change 781 minutes into its equivalent number of hours and leftover minutes, we first need to calculate the total hours component of the 781 minutes by performing division by the constant 60 minutes per hour.
781 minutes / 60 minutes
⇒ 781 minutes x 1/60 hours = 13.016666666667 hours [as 1 minute = 1/60 hours]
Now from the above number we come to know that the whole number part which is in the left side of the decimal point is the number of hours which is 13.
Therefore the number of hours = 13
Now we have to find out the remaining minutes. To acheive this we can simply take the decimal part 0.016666666667 and convert it into minutes. In this case we need to convert 0.016666666667 hours in minutes to calculate the remaining minutes. For this we need to muitiply 0.016666666667 hours by 60 minutes.
0.016666666667 hours X 60 minutes = 1 minute
Hence, combining the values of hours and minutes calculated above, we can conclude that
781 minutes = 13 hours and 1 minute
Therefore the final result for the query 781 minutes in hours and minutes is equivalent to 13 hours and 1 minute.